The World of Numen9

Welcome to numen9, where 3000 years ago “The Great Catastrophe” shattered the world, and the oceans floated into the sky. Now the world faces disaster again … unless a hero emerges.

Chapter 01

A planet in need of a hero

When the once-whole numen9 shattered, the oceans rose up to the sky and enveloped the world. The nine continents became separate floating land masses warmed by the now-exposed molten core of the world–“the inner sun.” Intense radiation from the inner sun has bleached the edges of these planetoids where the coastline used to lay, creating radioactive wastelands ravaged by surge storms and filled with crystal monsters called bleachettes.

Rin D’Lorah ventures out into these hostile lands filled with dangerous storms in search of her father, a scientist who she hopes may have found the answer to solving the hunger crisis and bringing peace to numen9 before he mysteriously disappeared. But she can’t ignore the signs along the way that Rin herself may have an even bigger role to play in restoring the world to balance.  

Chapter 02

The Conflict

With limited access to food and water, tensions are on the rise between polarized factions, threatening to bring about another “Great Catastrophe” and bring the sky of tides crashing back down.

Balance is the key to saving the planet, but the powerful Syndicate is expanding its control over numen9 with a monopoly on corron, a mineral that powers its technology and even agriculture. It seeks to rule numen9 with a one-world government that has a stranglehold on food, water, and energy resources. Challenging the Syndicate is the Sovereign Coalition, which favors a return to the nearly lost ways of the ancients, outlined in the banned Numen Tomes.

Chapter 03


Feature 02

A New Approach to RPG

Feature 03

Original TV Series

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Birth of the Chosen Hand

Dr. Lu D’Lorah | Year: 2983 AGC (After Great Catastrophe)

The storms back home were nothing like this. Twenty-eight years on Lapis, and none of our surge storms came even close to this Yantarian whopper! I’ve only been here for three months and they just keep getting stronger.

The plains of Yantar are famous for their surge storms, and this hill outside of the station is the perfect spot to watch them crash into the storm panels. Surge nodes, energy orbs full of water, spray into the air as waves bounce off of the sky projected panels and flow around the station. It looks like fireworks…

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