Sky of Tides to Shine Bright at Gamescom 2024!

Sky of Tides is set to be one of the standout titles at Gamescom 2024!

Attendees at Gamescom will be able to explore the immersive world of Sky of Tides at the Indie Arena Booth (Hall 10.2, Booth F010g – E019). The demo will offer a taste of the game’s richly detailed universe, where technology and nature intertwine, creating a unique backdrop for Rin’s adventure. As players navigate the complex relationships and moral dilemmas presented in the game, they will influence the fate of Numen and its inhabitants.

Make sure to stop by the booth to experience this thought-provoking game firsthand and chat with the developers about the inspiration behind Sky of Tides.

Stay tuned for more information and exciting announcements as we get closer to Gamescom. Follow us for the latest news and updates on Sky of Tides!

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