Accompanying TV Series

Heroes come from unlikely places! Our original animated series follows Atla Gildeon and her twin brother Kryll on a quest from the powerful Chairman of the Syndicate. For a limited time, it’s available exclusively inside the Sky of Tides game!

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Sky of Tides: Atla

In what may be an industry first, Sky of Tides features an original animated series that will be available exclusively for a limited time and at no extra charge to players who beat the game. The five-episode Sky of Tides: Atla, explores the world numen9 from the perspective of another protagonist, Atla Gildeon, who sets off with her twin brother Kryll on a secret mission from the Chairman of the Syndicate. 

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Breathtaking animation

Produced and written by the same team that created the game, the TV series brings the world of numen9 to life from a totally different perspective. The story follows a teenager with wealth, technology, and political power who has to decide whether she will stay loyal to Chairman and keep kicking butt for the world’s oppressor or break away on a path of self-discovery, sacrifice, and true adventure.

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where to watch

The TV series will be available exclusively for a limited time as a bonus for players who beat the game and as part of box sets sold in retailers. Stay tuned for more streaming and broadcast platforms to watch this incredible animated series.

Feature 01

A unique world

Feature 02

A New Approach to RPG

free Exclusive Audio Diaries

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Birth of the Chosen Hand

Dr. Lu D’Lorah | Year: 2983 AGC (After Great Catastrophe)

The storms back home were nothing like this. Twenty-eight years on Lapis, and none of our surge storms came even close to this Yantarian whopper! I’ve only been here for three months and they just keep getting stronger.

The plains of Yantar are famous for their surge storms, and this hill outside of the station is the perfect spot to watch them crash into the storm panels. Surge nodes, energy orbs full of water, spray into the air as waves bounce off of the sky projected panels and flow around the station. It looks like fireworks…

Newsletter subscribers get all the audio diaries free!


Yana | Syndicate Year: 2997 AGC (After Great Catastrophe)

“Knock, knock. Yana, are you ready?”

It’s my mom. She really gets on my nerves. Every time I win, she acts like she’s the one that wins. “Yes.”

My mom’s dumb face peeks in the door. Her makeup is so thick it looks like she put it on with a spatula. She says, “There’s someone here that wants to meet you.” 

“Is it another mom who wants a tip for her daughter? I’m not trying to help the competition.”

“No, sweetie. It’s Electra Rayne from the—” 

“O.M.N., Electra Rayne!” I jump out of my seat and smooth my dress. Why is the most syndi singer in numen9 asking for me?…

Newsletter subscribers get all the audio diaries free!